OPICO: A platform for collecting and analyzing emoji usage
Khandekar, Sujay
OPICO: A platform for collecting and analyzing emoji usage
Khandekar, Sujay
Issue Date
Director of Research (if dissertation) or Advisor (if thesis)
Kumar, Ranjitha
Department of Study
Computer Science
Computer Science
Degree Granting Institution
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Degree Name
Degree Level
emoji, digital communication, mobile, app
Emojis have emerged as a popular form of digital communication that can quickly convey big ideas or expressions with a single character. Since their creation in 1999, emojis have become a mainstay in the digital lexicography of instant messaging and social media. However, emojis are traditionally used in conjunction with text, as supplemental metadata. This paper explores the feasibility of emoji-only communication and emoji grammars. To gather emoji-only data, we built Opico, an emoji-first, social media mobile app that allows users to share emoji reactions about the places they visit with their friends. Each post in the app is a one-to-five emoji sentence to express an emotion, sentiment, or description about a location. After collecting over 3500 emoji reactions and having over 900 users on the app, the results demonstrate emoji-only communication provided concise forms of expression about various locations across the world. Data analysis has uncovered the various patterns and linguistics of how users construct emoji-only sentences, building the foundation for an emoji grammar.
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