2016 eXtreme science and engineering discovery environment (XSEDE) annual user satisfaction survey
DeStefano, Lizanne; Rivera, Lorna; Wernert, Julie
- Title
- 2016 eXtreme science and engineering discovery environment (XSEDE) annual user satisfaction survey
- Author(s)
- DeStefano, Lizanne
- Rivera, Lorna
- Wernert, Julie
- Contributor(s)
- Towns, John
- Issue Date
- 2016-06-01
- Keyword(s)
- Evaluation
- Survey
- User
- Satisfaction
- Abstract
- This report provides an analysis and evaluation of the 2016 eXtreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE) Annual User Satisfaction Survey. Section C.2, describes the data collection methodology of the survey. The sample included 13 types of users in a sample size of 5000 (out of 14,398 users), with 1,007 respondents. The survey consisted of quantitative and qualitative questions designed to determine user satisfaction of XSEDE services and resources. The survey was available from February 11, 2016 through April 7, 2016. The overall response rate was 22.2%, down from the project high of 27.4% achieved in 2015. Awareness remained near constant when compared with 2015 results, but with most areas trending slightly upward. Only one area–Mission–experienced slightly lower awareness. Areas scoring less than 3.0 in terms of awareness where the same as is in 2015: TIS, ECSS, Mobile, Visualization Resources, and Science Gateways. Data suggests that users are satisfied with XSEDE resources and services ,with all mean satisfaction values significantly greater than 3.0 (on a 5.0 scale) and greater than “4” in most areas. Most areas trended slightly upward or remained the same. Overall satisfaction with XSEDE remains high at 4.34 on a 5-point scale. This is on par with 2014’s alltime high of 4.36. Training preferences have remained constant over the 2013-2016 period. Data consistently show preference for self-serve and “just-in-time” training options, (i.e., Web documentation and online, self-paced tutorials). Consistent with previous years, demographic analysis shows that a typical user is male, white, and a faculty member at a large, doctoral-granting/research-focused university. Chemistry, physics, and engineering were the primary fields of study for 52% of respondents. • Section D of this report includes all open-ended question responses. Responses are categorized
- Type of Resource
- text
- Permalink
- http://hdl.handle.net/2142/99066
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