Closed-loop bladder function control for rats using optogenetics
Noh, Kyung Nim N
Closed-loop bladder function control for rats using optogenetics
Noh, Kyung Nim N
Issue Date
Director of Research (if dissertation) or Advisor (if thesis)
Rogers, John A.
Department of Study
Electrical & Computer Eng
Electrical & Computer Engr
Degree Granting Institution
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Degree Name
Degree Level
Implantable devices are continuously proving to be an effective and reliable method of treatment for human patients in clinical settings. One example class of these devices is closed-loop or conditional-triggering implantable devices, which monitor physiological signals and provide necessary intervention only when necessary. Pacemakers are one of the most widely used conditional stimulating devices that continuously monitor the heart activity and electrically stimulate the heart only when abnormal conditions are detected. This thesis presents a closed-loop bladder function control system for rats. The bladder activity is monitored using a novel sensor in a less invasive manner than the traditional pressure sensors. A neuromodulation technique called optogenetics is used as the method of intervention to help control the bladder function. The battery-less implantable device is wirelessly powered via inductive resonance coupling to reduce the size of the implantable device by eliminating batteries and charging circuits. A custom-built iOS application monitors the bladder activity for abnormal behavior and triggers neuromodulation by sending a signal to the implanted device. In vivo experiments with rats demonstrate the feasibility of closed-loop implantable devices to modulate bladder function and lay the foundations for such implantable devices in clinical settings.
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