University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Academic Units Grainger College of Engineering Coordinated Science Laboratory Report - Coordinated Science Laboratory Decomposition of Time-Scales in Linear Systems Using Dominant Eigenspace Power Iterations and Matched Asymptotic Expansions
Decomposition of Time-Scales in Linear Systems Using Dominant Eigenspace Power Iterations and Matched Asymptotic Expansions
Phillips, R.G.; Kokotovic, P.V.
Title Decomposition of Time-Scales in Linear Systems Using Dominant Eigenspace Power Iterations and Matched Asymptotic Expansions Author(s) Phillips, R.G. Kokotovic, P.V. Issue Date 1979-10 Keyword(s) Time scales Asymptotic expansions Eigenspace Pole placement Reduced order design Riccati iterations Circle of convergence Holomorphic function Date of Ingest 2015-04-06T20:54:40Z 2017-07-14T23:10:18Z Publisher Decision and Control Laboratory, Coordinated Science Laboratory, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Series/Report Name or Number Coordinated Science Laboratory Report no. UILU-ENG 78-2254, R-861, DC-31 Type of Resource text Genre of Resource Report (Grant or Annual) Language English Permalink Sponsor(s)/Grant Number(s) Joint Services Electronics Program / N00014-79-C-0424 Air Force Office of Scientific Research / AFOSR-78-3633
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